Just need to create a new module for new code correct?
1. new code saved as a module called "trimBadChars"
2. no change to "tblBadChars" fields (should contain any unwanted #letter. combination)
3. no change to "RemoveBadChars-UpdateQuery"
I scrubbed the tblBadChars and put just #., #letter. and all works fine.
This is a naming std. issue and I'm sure it could be coded to work, but for this effort this will do. The files for order will have to follow a std. of #letter.space.
thx again.
I'm sure got my little purple stars;)
can u walk me thru the code, trying to understand why I get the following results:
my badchar table has (for #s 1-10)
if the record is "1a. filename.txt"
I get "ename.txt" (7characters trimmed)
if the record is "1.a filename.txt"
I get "filename.txt"...
Ahhh be nice Skip, I'm new to the whole forum thing, thought I gave credit were credit was due.
Per my posts I hope it's obvious that my appreciation for all of MajP is obvious, but thank you for covering me. I click the little purple star once and thought it would tag the all the posts, I...
I think this will work playing w/ some test data, there are a few situations that need to be addressed, but I'll play around and see what I can do. If not I'll hit you up one last time in the morn.
I see where u r going with the new table unfortunetaly I do not control the directory structure and it changes very dynamically. I'll need a function... to strip off the numbers and spaces.
Before After
2 newfilename.pptx -> newfilename.pptx
1. filename.pptx -> filename.pptx
6filename1.pptx -> filename1.ptx
4-filenameBB.pptx -> filenameBB.ptx
Not sure this is the most effiecient statement, but this is how I got all fields starting w/ a number.
Query works fine, found the records I need using "Like" command now how do I update the field keeping everything but what I found w/ "Like"?
If I update w/ "" that will update complete field to blank correct? I just want to replace my findings and have the field start with the next character...
Everythingn is still working great thanks to u.
I don't want to take up too much more of your time, but had another question.
To clean up the manual part of the "Presentation" field would it be more efficient to wright a macro or sql statement and do an update query?
Re-cap of issue...
I get Microsoft Office Access window w/ a single character and an OK button. when button clicked then signle character "." w/ OK button... each time the character alternates a letter then ".".
w/ the code from last post I get a run-time error '5':
Invalid procedure call or argument
debug Highlights:
If Mid(tempDoc, Len(tempDoc) - 4, 1) = "." Or Mid(tempDoc, Len(tempDoc) - 3, 1) = "." Then
Wow, this works great...
I guess I'm at my wish list point now:
1. I want to be able to create a report off this query that tells me if I have no files under a Tab (gap report).
Any Tab directory that has no files would show
CourseName Tab x
2. I need to duplicate the "Document" field...
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