I have created a index page and a scroll bar only appears in internet explorer. Could someone have a look and let me know what is wrong with the page. There are other problems, like the applet. So if you now anything about applets you could let me know how to get rid of the white bar...
virt2001, I changed scene order and now the only scene that loads at all is the loading please wait (scene 2).
Tulsajeff, I don't know what you mean by mc in scene 1
I tryed the code you suggested, but I had problems. I did it by creating two scenes the loading image in scene 2. But the loading image (scene 2) displayed after scene one. What am I doing wrong. Thanks
Bra1niac,I have tryed the page in internet explorer 4.5 and 5. Both have a problem with the position of the rollover menus. They end on the other side of the page. Rebecca
bra1niac, I have tryed the page in Internet explorer 4.5 and 5. Both have the same problem with the position of the rolldown menus. They end up at the other side of the page. Rebecca
I have just desined a web site using rolldown menus on a pc. It works in both browsers but when I tried it on a mac the menus were all screwed up in IE. But it worked fine in Netscape. This is the address
I would be happy if someone could have...
I am having a problem with the hit area of my buttom. I made the entire area as a hit area but when you rollover the text the curser changes. And to activate the buttom you have to hit it on the side of the text
I have created a button in Flash and now I want to use the on mouse actions. But all of my mouse actions are greyed out. What am I doing wrong? Thanks Rebecca
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