dear perluserpengo,
you have grasped the situation correctly.
So my idea is to prepare a freebsd with a mail-server and swap its hard disk with the one in the present LAN gateway server which is unaccessable but runs ok and has a mail-server with a couple of users who are not guilty of anything...
dear perluserpengo,
the matter is I can't pkg_add anything at all.
I guess the previous Sysadmin configured a certain filter on the gateway-server.
Neither can I change the configuration because the root passwd was gone together with the Sysadmin.
All I can is to download a file on a PC in the...
dear Wishdiak,
I looked for it from the control/make as you told -
#whereis gmake
but then again
#gmake:not found
Could it matter that I have jdk14 Makefile in
/usr/ports/distfiles/jvm/control/make ?
After recommended
cd /usr/ports/java/jdk14
make install clean...
Dear all,
I'm trying to build a mail server on a freebsd box.
They say I should have JVM(jdk14) before deploying james-server.
To build the JVM, they say, I should
cd control/make
(which I have dove) and then just type
(and here I get)
gmake: not found...
After the usual sequence of:
make && make install && make restart
there was the following message:
"Restarting: /etc/rc.sendmail: restart-mta: /var/run/ not found
What does that mean? What can be done?
Help, please.
dear Wishdiak,
yes, 'apachectl congigtest'
showed "Syntax OK"
and Apache is running
yet what's the use of a running server if it does not serve an html file (index.html) it is supposed to?
The problem is put in the headline:
"Apache 2.2.0 Failed to enable the "httpready" Accept filter"
That is the message at starting a newly installed server and (supposedly) as the result no way to the serever's index.html
Help, please.
dear all,
There's a newly installed apache 1.3.x on a freebsd box in the LAN.
When I check it with a nearby PC's ie and type it shows the file but addressing the page as results in error message:
Unable to determine...
dear all,
the command
>sed s/m/x/g
works on my box OK. But adding '-n'
>sed -n s/m/x/
makes it to output blank lines even after those containing "m's"
How to understand this deviation from a tutorial predictions?
dear PHV,
of course you are right: the modification you proposed eliminated the problem and the script worked OK.
Thank you for the insight and the lead to FAQs.
much obliged
dear p5wizard,
adding "0 \+" before "$d" as you proposed took me some six lines further where I repeated the trick you prompted and the whole script worked! IWI!
"IWI" = It Works Indeed
please receive my gratitude and endless admiration
dear Annihilannic,
before your question I was sure my OS was fbsd-5.3, but now I just suppose it is so.
I crammed "-e" in after each "expr" I could see in the script yet the message "usage: expr [-e] expression" popped up again.
Thank you for your explaining of "HTH".
dear Annihillanic,
the problem is not fixed and here is the whole story--
I ran across a bunch of scripts in a tutorial, typed them, 'chmod a-X'ed them and they all work except for this unfixed one.
To make sure it's not because of my typos I copied the script from the tutorial, pasted it...
dear motoslide,
the bulleye! I had lots of ^Ms in the file but erased all of them with vi editor and now there are no ^Ms to get rid of. So what?
admiredly yours`
dear p5 wizard,
the script is not MINE. I copied it from a tutorial, made a file of it, made the file executable with the command
chmod a+x yd2ymd
the same way I did to monthdays file which runs on its own quite OK.
Thank you for your help.
dear Feherke,
you are right -- the script should work for it is copied from a tutorial.
Unfortunately, I am not prepared yet to rewrite obscure scripts yet.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Dear R.,
You are right "done" should be there and it is to the best of my sight:
md=`sh monthdays $y $m`
d=`expr $d \- $md`
m=`expr $m \+ 1`
Thank you for your try to help.
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