Why is it that the month e.g. January starts with 0? I think it is confusing.
dt = wxDateTime()
dt.Set(1,1,2002) # (day, month, year), this will be February
How can I make it start with 1?
Thanks for any hints.
I can't have my concatenated string span on multiple lines.
str1 = "val1 "
str2 = "val2"
strlong = "line 1" +
str1 +
"line3" + str2
It couldn't also accomblished by using tripple coute """ because the expression would not get evaluated.
(I need to span...
When using kinterbasdb. How do you check for error code on failed insert/updates?
I've tried using:
ret = cur.execute("update statement")
# ret is always None
Thanks for any help.
How can I declare a global variable to be accessible to all of my object methods?
Or is there a java like public static variable?
The type of variable would be a handle to a database connection. Which I will be reusing for all my entire form (wxFrame).
Thanks for any help.
When the select statement contains only one column, the returned values contains "(' " and " ')," as prefix and suffix. Why? See my code below.
import kinterbasdb
# conect blah blah
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select last_name from employee where emp_no < 50")
for (last_name) in...
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