Hi, thanks for the reply. I just now figured it out. Actually, it was processing the first 86 lines just fine. I'm using length($column)<16(I forgot that strings in awk aren't quite like strings in C) to make sure that these fields don't exceed 15 characters (if they do, someone else has a big...
btw, here are a couple of sample lines from the file being processed:
1~"Presentation - Browser "~3~"01525 "
2~"Presentation - Proprietary "~3~"01525 "
3~"Presentation - Wireless "~3~"01525...
Here's a script I'm using to left-pad columns in a tilde-delimited file:
nawk -F~ 'length($1)<15{sub($1,sprintf("%015u",$1),$0)}
length($3)<15{sub(FS$3FS,sprintf("~%015u~",$3),$0);print >FILENAME}' <Name of file here>
so the file that I'm testing this on is...
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