I'm using Spread Control 3.5. And populating the spread with 50000 records. Now based on some condition I want to populate the same data from the first spread to the second Spread (Say Select all the records from the first spread). After writing the data upto 19000 records the rest of the...
Its possible to send null, the following might be of some help. This you can do using RDC.
Dim app As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim rptAs CRAXDRT.Report
rpt.ParameterFields.Item(1).EnableNullValue = True
rpt.ParameterFields.Item(1).AddCurrentValue Empty
Thanks for the response. I have already started using RDC since I felt using the crystal OCX control, we might not be able to view more than 20 instances.
Anybody please tell me why this error occurs. This is encountered when running the set up. The application has VB 6, SQL 2000 & Crysatl Report 7.0.
Thanks in advance.
WHile running a setup (includes VB 6.0, Sql 2000 & Crysatl report 7.0). I'm getting an error "Cannot find database dll" error code 20532. Can you tell me any dependencies have to be included fo rthis.
Thanks in advance
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