ok, i found an example (german only) but it doesn't work, it says i have no right to read the 'MSysObjects'. any suggestions ?
the german tutorial you find here: http://www.aspfaq.de/index.asp?FID=55&ELE=4789
hi all !
i need to know how to code the follwing thing in ASP/vbScript, hopefully someone can help...
open access file '--- i know this ;)
"Select All TABLES"
loop through all TABLES
"Select All Columns That Belongs To Current Table"
loop through all columns...
Anybody has an example code how to use layers with Opera ?
I want to have a layer where i can re-write cointent after the page is loaded...
any help would be really great ! thanks !
only restarts tomcat if tomcat itself crashes...
this happens from time to time.
currently i start tomcat using the
if tomcat crashes i have to hit startup.exe again.
hope this is not OT:
anybody has a solution how to automaticly restart Tomcat on a win2000 server (hey, this server wasn't my idea ;)
batch-loop doesn't work as tomcat starts in an own window...
hope anybody has an idea, thanks in advance...
oh, i didn't meantioned that i hate access too :)
thx anyway i will do this... unfortunatly i'm not good in coding real java so maybe you know a workaround in JSP for the next 3 weeks for me (far away from PC in that time, argl ! ;)?
anyhow i will check for unclosed connections again
hey all...
i have the following problem:
i wrote a samll CMS-system. there's a section where users can define how the page will look like.
for this they can store main HTML-code and the HTML-code for the navigation.
both are stored in the access-file in the table "designs", as so...
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