Had not heard this one
A common invalid join is when you are doing up a shirt, and the buttons and the button holes end up not matching.
Use this already
Another one is
Where 1 <> 0
Another one (in current syntax)
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON 1 <> 0
Did not know Cartesian...
The inner query
(select mgr
from emp)
returns a NULL value, according to the lesson.
So, the full query is like the following
select ename
from emp
where empno NOT IN
Obviously it doesn't make sense to say the result is anything but uknown as well.
I almost understand...
In Oracle, An Introduction to SQL and PL/SQL, there is a discussion of Joins. The statement follows:
To join n tables together, you need a minimum of (n-1) join conditions.
The use of the words "At Least"
Indicates I can do the following:
where table1.column1 = table2.column2...
In An Introduction to SQL and PL/SQL, Oracle, lesson 4 there is a discussion of Cartesian products. The following statement is in the slides.
Cartesian Product
A Cartesian product is generated if a join condition is omitted OR a join condition is invalid.
What is an example of an invalid join?
Please help me understand the following from Oracle Introduction to SQL and PL/SQL, Lesson 7 subqueries.
select ename
from emp
where empno NOT IN
(select mgr
from emp);
no rows returned.
Returning Nulls in the Resulting Set of a Subquery
The SQL statement above attempts...
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