This was an oversight on my part. The problem was in the date parameters. I had to have the correct format when being passed. Ensure all formats are exact when passing parameters.
I have created a Main Report that I has been able to pass the parameters and values to a subreport successfully.
Now I would like the user to be able to further filter at the subreport level by providing parameters with mulit values. So they will be able to select which ever parameters they...
Does anyone have code to have a Dialog box open and give the user a way to pick multiple Word Docs. Then after they pick them it will run a macro.
Any code snippets would help.
Thanks Tony, that was very helpful. My only concern is that I will have a problem if that word is repeated in the document. It looks like it will go to the first instance and that will be the end. Is there a way I can get the word count specifically for the instance of the selected word?
I need some code for a word doc to count the number of words until the selected word.
In other words, I need to find the word count position of a particular word.
Any loops or maybe a property example would really be helpful.
Wow that really helped. I was about to give up on it. Thank you very much for your Help PHV.
I was wondering if you had something in case the FullName did not have a middle initial? It seems to work very good until you come up with a name without a middle initial.
You can put this in your Query. Just make up a new field like this:
FirstName: Left([FullName],Instr([FullName]," ")-1)
LastName: Mid([FullName],Instr([FullName]," ")+1)
Hope that helps.
Thanks but I know there is something easier I can just use in a query. I don't want to have to use code and look for specific events. It should just be a simple query.
I'm having a brain fart righ now. I can only do this to extract the LastName and First Name, but I also get the Middle Initial from the first name. I need something to only extract the First Name. Please Help. This is my formula so far.
This is the field I need to extract from:
Ok, you need to use the DatePart Function. You can look it up in the help but here is an example to your examples.
In Access this formula will work for either example you gave.
Ex1: DatePart("d",#1/2/2008#)
Ex1: DatePart("d",[FieldName])
The "d" extracts the day only. You can also use it to...
Ok well I thank you all for your inputs but none of them worked. It will definitly have to be a Mid and InStr but I need to be able to see the space between the FirstName and the Middle Initial. This is the format I need to break up.
LastName, FirstName MI
I was able to extract the first name...
I'm having a brain fart righ now. I can only do this to extract the First Name, but I also get the Middle Initial. I need something to only extract the First Name. Please Help. This is my formula so far.
Formula: (Used in a Query)
FName: Mid([FullName],InStr([FullName]," ")+1)
Well my problem is that I don't know the code to insert them into columns. The text file contains alot more information that I do not need. I need to be able to search for 'Name:' and insert the value after that into a column. Then move onto "DOB:" and insert those values into another column...
I have a text file that is not in a friendly format for Access. Can someone provide me help to get the following into a table?
Name: Blow Joe DOB: 17Oct78
and so on
It has more but I just need to get started.
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