ok i have two fields in my html document
1) txtSearchString
2) cboSearchType
now i want to use $ENV{'QUERRY_STRING'}; to get the values
but what i need to know is how to pass the values on submit ie
<form action="cgi-bin/search.pl?txtSearchString&cboSearchType"...
this is a numerical sort
@sorted = sort { ( $a ) <=> ( $b ) } @unsorted;
this is a alphabetical sort
@sorted = sort { lc( $a ) cmp lc( $b ) } @unsorted;
hope this helps ya
hey all
heres the prob
sub initialize
system( "startTime.bat" );
print "Content-type:....";
sub process
do something....
sub terminate
system( "endTime.bat" );
do something;
-ok the first batch program i call works perfectly.
-the last...
heres what happens
sub initialize
system( "startTime.bat" );
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
sub process
do some calculations
sub terminiate
system( "endTime.bat" );
final processes....
the first time i call the statTime.bat batch file...
how do i run batch files with perl
right now i tried
system( "time.bat" );
and i only works once i wont run the batch file a second time?
any clue why?
hey all
im in need of obtaining milliseconds. is there perl function for this?
i have a search script that has three subroutines.
1) initialize
2) process
3) terminate
in initialize i want to get the current milliseconds of the current time
in the terminiate i want to get the current...
ok heres the prob
i have the size of a file stored in $filesize. it return the size in kb so i wanted to add the thousands separator to the $filesize ( e.g. 2,345). how do i go about doing this?
any help is greatly appreciated
hey all i figured out my filesize problem
when i opened the directory for reading i never changed into the directory first so it was assigning 0 to every filesize. So when i used the chdir( "dir" ); command it finally returned the filesize thanks for all of your help :)
ok this still isn't working?
what im doing is reading a directory into @dirData
then i perform a foreach loop assigning each item to $file.
so in my foreach loop i just added
if ( -f $file )
$fileSize = (stat($file))[7];
and then i try printing $fileSize in my html response but nothing...
Hey all
Im trying to get a files size but here the prob im having
i have a foreach loop like so which i was hoping would return a files size but no go.
foreach $file (@array)
@stat = (stat($file))[7];
how can i get a files size on win32
thanks for anyones help in advance
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