Here is the config, A bit left out and a bit not so nice to look at. But here it is, It won't stay this way it's only for testing. A clean up is more than due I think. I assume it's all you need.
Let me know if it's not
PIX Version 6.2(2)
nameif ethernet0 outside security0
nameif ethernet1...
I would post a relevant config, but you all might laugh.
I will need to tidy it up alot before I post it.
The VPN does not even establish as far as I can tell, the client is dialup to the internet. All ISP's involved support the cisco PIX and VPN. There are other people with cisco pix using...
Hi All,
Well I have all the LIC's, the PIX came with a VPN bundle and 3des. Witch I installed and upgraded to OS 6.22.
I have used PIXSCRIPT and all the documentation I can find, seen sample/real config's and checked that off against mine.
Still VPN has no INBOUND sessions from the NIC facing...
I'm looking for a sample config for Dialup internet users to VPN into the local network (gateway PIX). I have no auth server. PIX 515e 6.22 , 3 NIC's, Outside,inside and DMZ
I have everything else working but the VPN wizard just does not work.
I've been through cisco's doc's lots, but...
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