Const strInfo = "info.txt" & If objFSO.GetFile(objUser.Path & "info.txt").Datecreated < (Now() - 21)
was my idea that it reads teh info.txt files for entry's or am i completely missing the point here.
Response is
infoPath=c:\temp\abcdef\application data info.txt - (abcdef is the first entry in my info.txt file)
I think i have it wrong script written then (or stolen ;-) )
My intention was the script to read the contents of the file info.txt (which contains a list of usernames) then remove...
It responds Line 18 char 5 " file not found " code 800a0035 which is
Set infoFile = objFSO.GetFile(infoPath)
I dont understand it as i think i have declared all values?
(Sorry for my bad english.)
Hi all, please excuse me that i am a NOOB on VBS scripting. I have put together a script (stolen from google) and modified it to do what i wanted.
EG - read a txt file containing username's, from this check if the userfolder is older then 21 days if so delete it, I have this sofar but it stops...
Hi all, please excuse me that i am a NOOB on VBS scripting. I have put together a script (stolen from google) and modified it to do what i wanted.
EG - read a txt file containing username's, from this check if the userfolder is older then 21 days if so delete it, I have this sofar but it stops...
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