I am looking for any ideas on how to create the following report.
I am using a SQL command query to pass Clients, Salesperson and transaction date to Crystal reports.
I need to allow the user to select parameters for Salesperson and a transaction from / to date range.
I need the report to...
My report consists of two groups:
Sales Associate & Client
In the client group footer I have running totals for $$'s for each client
in the Sales associate footer I want to add a summary from # of clients where $$'s > $6,000 and then sum the total revenue associated with these accounts
I'm new to Crystal reports 20111 and new to the Embedded Summary / Calculated member features.
I'm wondering if one or the other of these features can be used in a Crosstab in the following way.
I have a crosstab report, I have columns based on Category, summarized fields based on sales1$$. I...
Madawc, thanks for your response. I'm using Crystal 2011, sorry I overlooked that.
I was afraid it would have to be a mock crosstab, but was hoping there was a chance it could be done in a crosstab.
I have some experience with the mock crosstab and so I understand you suggestions/comments in...
Anyone have any thoughts on how I would go about creating a report such as the example below in a crosstab?
I would need the days of week, this month/this month last year columns for the entire month.
[tab][tab][tab][tab][tab][tab][tab][tab]Monday[tab] [tab][tab][tab][tab]...
in Crystal reports XI, I am trying to create the following report:
Group by customer
sum revenue for each customer based on an attribute of the order:
if order has attribute 'a' only, if order has attribute 'b' only or if order has
both attributes 'a' & 'b'.
For the customer group level...
I'm a beginner in SSRS and I have a question that I'm hoping someone can help with.
I had created an SSRS project and then decided I wanted to move that project into a newly created folder.
Now when try to open any of the reports in the original project folder all that returns is what appears...
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