People, I need to write a query in SQL Server that groups together different elements from a column using some separator like a comma.
I have a table that is more or less like this:
+ department1 + John +
+ department1...
The Auto attribute will tell the browser to show scrollbars only if necessary.
- Scrollbars will usually appear vertically when you have a long text that can't be displayed in a single screen.
- They will usually appear horizontally if you have an element that forces it. A long horizontal...
Hi. I am sending e-mail using ASP.NET 2.0 with MailMessage and SMTPClient objects. Everything works fine and the e-mail is sent normally. I get the message in my e-mail box. The problem is that my main customer does not get it. Here is the answer from his server:
"Status: 5.5.0...
Hi. I want to query my database with a string and I want SQL Server to see common letters and letters with accents as the same thing. I need it to see "análise" and "analise" as the same thing so that when I query "análise" in the text box, all results are returned, including "análise" and...
Hi. Sorry if it is a silly question.
I want to build a conditional WHERE clause for a stored procedure.
My procedure has some attributes like
These params correspond to filters in my web application. If users select an item from a ListBox, the application will populate these...
Well, thanks for all your replies and help. It is so weird to understand there is no system support in SQL Server for a rule I learned when I was 10 years old.
Well, I still tend to believe the system must support that in some sort of collation.
George, I applied the workaround you suggested...
Hi. I have executed "EXEC sp_helpsort" query and the response was:
"Latin1-General, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order 52 on Code Page 1252 for non-Unicode Data".
I have read an article (with no practical...
Hi. Recently I noticed that when ordering rows in a text column, SQL Server will put "A Place to go" before "Abort", for example. It considers the white space as a character that comes earlier than any other letter. Well, I don't know if that is a rule when ordering elements in english, but in...
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