Hi, After starting below code, the output I got is:
It should be:
I don`t knowo why the backgroud worker starts more then 1 time on each steps, is...
In the code below DayTicker is started by
timer1.Tick += new EventHandler(DayTicker);
void DayTicker(object sender, EventArgs e)
richTextBox1.Text += "\nTESTTTTTTT\n";
myProcess(0, 0, 0);
public void myProcess(int first, int second, int third)...
I have problem with setting timer interval propably because of the type conversion. Please see my code below.
TimeSpan HourNow = CurrTime.TimeOfDay;
TimeSpan HourScheduled = new TimeSpan (1,readint,RandomStartMin, 0);
TimeSpan Duration = HourScheduled -...
Hi, I`m using below code to connect to website. I want to connect to this site through the proxy server (I got servers with and some servers without authentification).
Please help.
use IO::Socket;
$Msock = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $Mhost, PeerPort => 80, Proto...
Thanks a lot, it works perfect.
What about if in "User Accounts" folder i have subfolder "Special Accounts" whithin which i want to search only.
Please help, how to list all information (especially "Name" and "Active Directory Folder") from the "User Account"/"Member of" tab in Active Directory.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry I forgot that I have something like that
For i = 1 To 2: For j = 1 To 2: For k = 1 To 2
Cells(i, j).Offset(k + Insert_row, 0).EntireRow.Insert
Cells(i, j).Offset(k + Insert_row, 0).Offset(0, 8).Formula = _
"=" & Cells(i, j).Offset(k + Insert_row, 0).Offset(0, 5).Address(0, 0) & "/...
Hi I have the below code inside 3 "For" loops. I need to insert in few cells the same formula with absolute references to $J$119 cell.
That code works but it inserts $J$119*100, $J$120*100, $J$121*100 like relative reference. Please help
Cells(i, j).Offset(k + Insert_row, 0).Offset(0...
Please can anyone tell me how to catch the closing event ( [X] button of my window) I need to kill all the threads running when someone would press [X] button.
Can somebody help me set the color priority of richtextbox to write one line in red color and the next one in for example blue. I tried:
richTextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Red;
richTextBox1.Text = "hey";
richTextBox1.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
richTextBox1.Text = "bye";
But it change...
Sorry but its not working, maybe because the :
if (kol.StartVPNIsChecked == true)
MessageBox.Show("VPN Checkbox Is Checked");
is called from another thread also.
Please help me, I cannot access variable or checkbox state from another class. My code is:
Form1 kol = new Form1();
if (kol.checkBox1.Checked) StartVpnCon();
But MessageBox always show "false" no matter of the real checkbox state.
Hello! I have a problem with starting notepad.exe from windows service. It starts but i cant see any window. I can only see that it starts from windows task manager.
Thx for help. My source is:
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
Process notePad...
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