is this possible????
i created a site thats all in tables "didnt and any frames"...can i make it that when i click a button ..i can open another html file inside of the table thats on my main page.....or is this only possible by useing frames.....??
ok...i got a bottom frame....when i grab my broswer from the bottom and shrink it the menu i have in that frame moves up with the browser...thats fine and thats what i want but then that frame covers an image i have in a frame on my right hand side of my browser.... how do i make it so that...
i want some of my images to resize or center itself to the size of the browser....ex..when my browser is maxed all object are where i want them...when i start to shrink my browser my objects dont move and start getting covered up buy my menu and other objects.. is there any behaviors for this??????
ok i got it to werk :) but then animation goes off the stage and doesnt come back... i need it to reach the end of the stage....then animated back to where it started..and loop..... thanks for the help :)
thankz for the reply but i still cant get it to werk... im kinda new to director....and im not sure on were exactly to put these codez.... can u please make a little tutorial for me if thats possible....heres what i did...i made an obect on the stage...pulled it to 1 sprite only... on my frame...
heres what im trying to do... any help would be great
animate a simple object to go from starting on the left side of the stage to go to the right side of the stage, using only 1 sprite , with only a max of 8 lines of code, but im shootin for cutting it down to only the use of 2 lines of...
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