I did what you guys said. changed to file from .rar to .iso but it still opens wit winrar. so then i uninstalled winrar and right clicked the file, Open With and choose NeroSmart and when i try to open it an error says it is not a valid win32 app. so then i open up Nero and choose to make a...
like i said before, i download the file, unzip it but i dont see anything ISO to burn :/ heres wat i get when i unzip the file... http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m267/kepa13/untitled-8.jpg wat is it that i need from there?, cus i fidn everything useless. i tried the BIN file that says...
Thank you for replying BadBigBen,
but how do i install it? i download the .rar file from dban website and when i unzip it i dont see anything .exe to install nor .iso to burn to a cd.
any tips? :/
tlcscousin thank you for replying to my post.
i tried wat u said but on the disk management only appears my old disk i already had and i try refreshing the list but still nothing. the disk does show up n BIOS and as soon as i turn on the PC it detects it and installs it, but like i said it...
i have 2 140 GB hard drives that i cant format. i took them out of a mitsubishi tv i guess i had DVR in it or idk. i connect the hard drive and it shows up on BIOS but i cant make a partition for it. ive formated other hard drives before but i dont know whats wrong with this one. i cant make a...
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