Hi there...
I have this code that someone did for me, but there are only a few lines at the top half of the page, and the rest is all empty cells - even going onto the next page.
Can somebody tell me what to Edit so that the (about 10) empty rows are not added on the results sheet.
Here is...
What are the actual drivers or applications that are launched upon opening the file?
If wowexec.exe has anything to due with it, then I know that you can edit the configuration of those kind of programs in the START - CONTROL PANEL - SERVICES in Windows 2000/NT.
So maybe the next step would...
I have the new NAV 2005 full edition. When inserting the CD, the installation window shows up, but upon clicking on the install link, nothing happens!
Somone told me that this is a known issue (http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/na...ar_sch_nam), but none of those fixes were applicable.
re: "change the layer ID donemsg to doneMsg in the HTML."
Thanks for your reply, Kenneth!
So I just need to remove the letters "ID" above and change all " inside all strings (" ") to ' (single-quote) in the template Preloader code? But where do I include the preloader script (which line) in...
The HTML-code for the flash is:
<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan --><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
id="Decorum_redu" width="456" height="228">
<param name="movie"...
In this link "http://resources.bravenet.com/scripts_archive/javascript_dhtml/images/preloader_with_status_bar/" (Pre-loader with Status bar) on the www.bravenet.com website, support told me that the script could be adapted to show the loading status of a *.swf file, not just a *.jpg file.
Thanks for responding techu4,
So if I email you the flash file on Monday could you help me include the preloader script? Or shall I just post it here, will you see it then Monday morning?
Or is there even a macromedia plug-in that would do this easier? If yes, where?
In this link <A HREF="http://resources.bravenet.com/scripts_archive/javascript_dhtml/images/preloader_with_status_bar/">Pre-loader with Status bar</A> on the www.bravenet.com website, support told me that the script could be adapted to show the loading status of a *.swf file, not just a *.jpg...
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