Thanks Lbass,
The data in the system has 'EXTRA' defined as a schedule type for sure. I changed the formula to read:
if ucase(trim({SCHED_MAIN.SCHTYP_SCHEDTYPE_NO})) = "EXTRA" then
dailyextra := 1
for today's date and the calculation is still incorrect, for some reason, it's...
I have a formula in the group header (trip.trip_date) to calculate train with schedule type of extra daily.
numbervar dailyextra;
if {?TripDate} = {?TripDate} and ({SCHED_MAIN.SCHTYP_SCHEDTYPE_NO} = "EXTRA") then
dailyextra := dailyextra + 1
When it...
This is helpful. I was able to get the days correctly in the report footer. Let's see if I can get the rest of the formula to make this entire report work right. Thanks and will let you know if I run into problems which I might because this report has gone beyond complex.
- Linda
I apologize and might have forgotten that I posted a thread on this subject prior.
I still need some assistance on this subject if anyone out there have recommendations.
Thank you
- Linda
Report is grouped by train routes, then by train directions (inbound/outbound). The formula is in the group footer for train direction. The parameter i have list all the routes as a selection criteria. If i chose only 1 route, the formula will calculate all the days for the month of for example...
I would like to count the number of days in a month if the each day's data is > 0. I'm using this formula:
numbervar countdays;
if Sum ({@Pax01}) > 0 then
countdays:= count ({@Pax01},{RPT_TRIPS.Schedule ID})
else if Sum ({@Pax02}) > 0 then
countdays:= count...
@Pax01 through @Pax31 are days in a month.
if Day ({RPT_TRIPS.Trip Date})=1 then
formula = {RPT_TRIPS.Passengers}
formula = 0
end if
I just ran this formula and it works BUT only for the first group of trains. The second group of trains had weird numbers where it should be the...
I have a report that displays data daily for each month. In the group footer, the data is summarized. Some of the days have 0 data and most of data > 0. I like to count the number of days that consist of data > 0. I tried numerous formulas wihout success. An example:
Thanks ArtieChoke,
I went into the ODBC directory instead of the ODBCINST.INI and clear out the bogus entries but the changes did not take affect because I went back into the ODBC Administrator and the bogus entries were still there. I might have to restart the machine. Thanks
- Linda
I have Crystal Enterprise/Reports installed using Oracle ODBC v9.0.x and the Oracle Client. Everything ran fine until there was a problem with Crystal and Crystal has to be un-installed.
When Crystal is un-installed, in the ODBC Administrator, the datasource that was previously created was...
When i use the Select Expert to show only records that has the field LINE_DELETED='N', it removes this line as well as all lines that follows which are not marked with a 'N'. The field is a checkbox which is a YES or NO and I want to display all records that has no lines deleted. I'm thinking...
I greatly appreciate your help on this report. Your suggestion worked and it did mess up one of my other calculation but I was able to fix that formula and now everything looks good.
There is an XML page linked to this report to allow the users a GUI train route selection, they can either...
I went to my join logic and also my selection criteria and was able to make this work, however, another problem arises as a result.
Selection Criteria:
if minimum({?Route}) = "[ALL]" then
{RPT_TRIPS.Trip Date} in {?TripDate}
{RPT_TRIPS.Route ID} in {?Route} and...
My main table which has all the data is TRIPS_MAIN_OPS. I have join RPT_TRIPS and RPT_TRIPS_CONSIST together. The left join is from TRIPS_MAIN_OPS to RPT_TRIPS and i still see the same results with the missing trains with no equipment id.
I placed the null check variable in a formula and checked but the records will not print to check.
The result i'm getting is still the same as before checking for nulls.
There is something preventing the report to print all the trains.
This is what i have in my selection statement:
Okay, i just ruled out the joins issue. I still do not see trains that have blank fields and they are the ones missing from the list.
I still think it is something in the formula. For some reason, the report is using the formula to calculate the fields, if the field is empty and there is...
Thanks Lbass, it's a good suggestion.
Currently, if this field is empty, the report does not print the entire record. For example: this is train 100 which prints all the data associated with the train because the field ({RPT_TRIP_CONSISTS.Equipment ID}) is populated on the database.
If train...
I have the following formula which works fine, but it does not produce all the records that I need:
This is in the detail section:
stringvar eqids;
If {TRIP_EQLINK_DTL.GROUP_ROW_ID} > 1 and instr(eqids,{RPT_TRIP_CONSISTS.Equipment ID}) = 0 then
eqids := eqids &...
The report has page headers labeled has (@hdr01, @hdr02 and so on) which totals up to the number of days per month. It shows W 1 which is wednesday, june 1st, T 2 thursday June 2nd and so on.. the formula for the headers are:
shared paxcount() as string
dim i as number
i = 1
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