Last field on the select statement (q.[text])
Below is an example of one. There is more code after the line I provided, but it is too long to post here.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_GetLineResourceTime]
When I ran the code below, I noticed many UDF (User Defined Functions). Do UDFs take a lot of resources. By discusing it with the developer, I learned that most of the work performed by the application uses UDFs.
Is there anything that can be optimized for this purpose?
Thanks for the reply guys.
I am running Windows 2003, SQL 2005, 2GB of RAM, and the server has an Intel Xeon(Dual Core).
I looked at the processes and it is in fact the SQL process using the CPU.
Hi all,
Hope somebody can help with this.
I notice that the CPU usage on our SQL server, which is hosting two applications designed in house, is constantly going to over 50 %, sometimes up to 90 %.
Is this normal?
It is doing it aproximatelly every couple seconds.
Thanks in advance for your...
Thanks for the reply.
After googling for Project Server Installations, I found a document called "Deployment for Office Project Server 2007". This document has a step by step process of the installation. One thing though, I do not understand why Microsoft makes things so complicated...
Hi all,
Hope somebody can help!
I am new to the MS Project and I am trying to install a testing server in our organization.
I successfully installed the Project 2007 Server on the server; however, after finishing the installation, it seems like I need to run some additional configuration...
Thanks for the reply guys!
Yes, it is working fine. As Stella740pl suggested, I made the cursor writable and it's working.
markros - I tried adding the checkbox to the listbox using the sample here before, but I did not like how it...
Hi all,
I am just getting back to this project as I was assigned to a different one.
I added the check box on the grid; however, when I click on it, it does not become checked.
I am using a cursor as the recordsource for the grid. The field assigned to the check box is numeric and I am...
Thanks guys for the reply.
I tried the image on the list some time ago, and it looked fine only to certain extent.
I will be trying the check box on the grid.
Thanks for the replay guys.
What I am trying to do is add check box objects to a form or control based on the number of records I select from the database table.
Stella740pl- what you suggested with the grid sounds like a good option. How do I add the check box to the grid. I remember I did...
Hi all,
Hope somebody can help.
I am building an application, which has a list box populated with records from a database. The list has only one column. Now, what I want to do is build the same list but create a group of check boxes. In other words, a check box per database record. I already...
Thanks guys for your suggestions.
Imaginecorp- Before posting this questions I was already doing exactly what you suggested; in other words, passing form A as a parameter to form B. I was also passing the form A datasession ID as a parameter to form B. The problem I was facing and that is why I...
Sorry guys for not describing everything from the begining, but I wanted to make the question as simple as possible.
Thanks for all the suggestions you guys provided. I really appreciate it.
I agree with you Imaginecorp. That is why I am trying to use a different aproach.
Here is how I am doing it.
1. On the Init event of form A, I am creating the cursor which is the RecordSource of the grid on form A.
2. A command button on form A calls form B sending a few parameters. Among...
I already tried with sending the data session as a parameter to form B and it works. The problem is that within the same method I have to access the form Bs data session, which I accomplished by setting the data session back to the data session number of the form, right after updating...
Thanks guys for the reply!
dgrewe- I was trying what you suggested, but the grid was not updating. Here is what I am doing.
1. Creating a cursor in the Init event of form B.
2. Inserting the data I need from form B into the cursor.
3. Assign the cursor to the grid.RecordSource.
4. Refreshing...
Hi all,
Hope somebody can help me with this.
I am trying to update the grid on a form from another form. In other words, say form A has a grid. Form A calls form B, then form B updates the grid on form A.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi all,
Hope somebody can help with this.
Does anybody know what I need to do to the Windows firewall in order to be able to access a remote workstation? In other words, I do not want to completely turn it off, but as an administrator be able to access all its resources. You know, be able to...
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