Got it! Thanks a ton for the help joel, turned out to be a pretty easy solution after you figure it out, but isnt everything!
rotate(List, R):- rotate(List, R1, H), R = [H|R1].
rotate([H], [], H).
rotate([H|T], L, R) :- rotate(T, T1, R), L = [H|T1].
hmm, i tried to do what you've said but i havent been able to get what i want. Here is what i got so far, it will return the last element of the list, and also the list without the last element:
rotate([H], [], H).
rotate([H|T], [H|T1], R) :- rotate(T, T1, R).
example query:
Hello all. I am pretty new to prolog and understanding it so-so thus far. I have question, which seems simple, but i have not been able to come up with a solution. Its as follows:
Given a list, rotate it to the right. An example query is rotate([1,2,3], R). => R=[3,1,2]; false. There is also...
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