Yes, the error was my fault.
ProjectIDFK is numeric. That was the problem.
EmployeeCar is a yes/no field.
I am no longer getting the error now that I fixed that.
Why are you trying to stay away from my final objective?
The database has certain limitations. It was not fully normalized in the...
Sorry I messed up the field names; it should have been:
UPDATE tblProjects INNER JOIN tblProjectPeopleRoles ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblProjectPeopleRoles.ProjectIDFK SET tblProjects.EmployeeCar = IIf([RoleIDFK]="3","-1","0");
Thanks, dhookom. How is it the same information.
I am trying to say: if Role X is associated with a record in the junction table, put a different value in a different table, different field.
I came up with this but am getting a type conversion error failure:
UPDATE tblProjects INNER JOIN tblProjectPeopleRoles ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblProjectPeopleRoles.ProjectIDFK SET tblProjects.ProjectHasDriver = IIf([RoleIDFK]="3","-1","0");
ProjectHasDriver is a yes/no field.
This might...
There was no typo. That reference is the in the criteria. It is only use to establish the match, and the code that I posted does update the field to "-1" when the Role=3.
My people can have different roles in different projects, even different roles in the same project.
I have a junction...
I am a beginner and by no means claim to have a thorough understanding of any of this, but this is how I think this works.
If I understand this correctly, yes, if the EmployeeID currently showing in frmCourseInfo is 5, then it would be the same as WHERE EmployeeID = 5.
Referring to the form...
1. Why shouldn't it work, and if it shouldn't why does it work?
It does update the field with "-1" when the role is 3.
2. How do I handle the other part, when it Role 3 is removed or changed?
I am having trouble figuring out how to accomplish the following:
I have a form linked to tblProjects and subform linked to the junction table tblProjectEmployeeRole.
There is an After Update event on the subform:
If Me.fkRoleID = 3 Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblEmployees SET EmloyeeCar = '-1'...
I am a novice and am trying to develop a database for managing course and instructor information.
I have courses, instructors, TAs, and readers.
Each course can have more than one instructor, TA, or reader (for example,
1 instructor, 2 TAs, 1 reader or 2 instructors, 1 TA, and 2 readers...
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