No, I don't think it is. I've hooked his computer up to a hub at my desk. I log in using my computer and get normal response times. I login using his computer, and everything crawls. So, it doesn't have to do with location on the network.
The messaging administration web interface is incredibly slow on one particular machine. This user can login on one computer and get normal, quick responses, but on his primary computer, it takes about 20-30 seconds for a page to load.
What settings can I look to adjust in order to get his...
I have a table consisting of answers to survey questions. The survey has 5 questions. My fields are:
surveyID -- Indicates survey #
surQuesID -- Indicates which question is being answered
surAnsID -- Indicates actual answer to question
Sample data looks like:
surveyID surQuesID...
Here is a simplified view of the tables and fields relevant to my query:
Table: Workorder
Fields: workorderid (key), requesterid
Table: Workorderstate
Fields: workorderid (key), technicianid
Table: User
Fields: userid(key), name
Workorder and Workorderstate are related by workorderid...
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