No Problem -- Moulder and Scully say I can give you access... :)
the one that works:
the one that fails:
As you can see these are NOT large, complex, and/or convoluted, exotic code files -- they are about...
Browser throws NO error -- simply displays blank page -- true for both FF and IE
Original file IS UTF-8 and displays and functions just fine but I despite that I have already tried with: UTF-8
and: <?xml version="1.0" ?> -- as per W3C
W3C XML Validator only says "unable to validate due to...
Thanks for your response -- My bad; apparently I gave the wrong impression - I AM opening it with notepad and have tried several other text editors -- and then simply saving it WITHOUT making any changes whatsoever -- except for the name, of course.
[Now before we go down another rabbit hole...
I have an XML file that I can open with the MS Native XML editor
BUT, I cannot edit it. So I copied it into Notepad and edited it there. BUT, once I save it out it cannot be read by the MS Editor nor does it work.
The file works just FINE without changes; BUT, even if I copy it to notpad...
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