Getting an error now:
8 ?- buy(X, L).
ERROR: >/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
And the code looks like this now.
kopa(X, [ingredient(_,_)|TS], R) :- kopa(X, [ingredient(_,_)|TS], R).
Sorry but it wont work :( The task is to show everything I need to buy to cook for exempel rise.
The code:
buy(X, L) :- at_home(YS), recipe(X,XS), kollabuy(XS, YS, L).
kollabuy([], _, []).
kollabuy([X|XS], YS, L1) :- kollabuy(XS, YS, L), kopa(X, YS, R), ( R = [], L1 = L, ! ; L1 = [R | L])...
Thanks for reply, but I'm not getting it to work :/
buy(X, L) :- at_home(YS), recipe(X,XS), kollabuy(XS, YS, L).
kollabuy([], _, _).
kollabuy([X|XS], YS, L) :- kopa(X, YS, L), kollabuy(XS, YS, L).
%No : when the homelist is empty, you have not foud the ingredient, you need to buy it and know...
I have write a program in Prolog, that will look in a list of ingredients and compare if you need to buy or what you can cook with all the ingredients you got home.
I have finish the first one that looks if I can cook for example rise. But I need to write a program that calculate how much I...
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