Late binding works fine,(declare as objects and set later)
Early binding give an error:
'Run Time Error '13' Type mismatch
I've added the reference as well.
I put the following code into a new excelWB with just a command button pointing to the initial sub:
Option Explicit...
Thanks for the suggestions, sorry I got the wrong forum, lost track which one I was in.
I put the following code into a new excelWB with just a command button pointing to the initial sub:
Option Explicit
Public exSystem As EXTRA.ExtraSystem
Public exSessions As...
Attachmate Extra and Excel VBA.
I've read the Faq and followed the code exactly.
The late binding works without problems.
(Public System as Object)
(Set System = CreateObject("Extra.System"))
As opposed to adding a reference and using the early binding:
(Public System as ExtraSystem)
I'll use myscreen.getstring(1,1,80)
The monitor displays: (correctly)
"Customer #5000 Last Purchase Date: Nov. 5, 2005"
The output to word however is: (incorrect)
"Customer #5000 Suspended Last Purchase Date: Nov. 5, 2005"
The problem is that EVERYTIME I read that section of the...
While using MSWord VBA to scrape a screen I looked at the results and found that my scrapings contained more info that the monitor did.
This is a summary screen where only the options that are applicable show up on the monitor, but Extra is able to scrape the other text from screen as well...
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