I think this was a classic case of outsmarting myself.
Sometimes we become convinced that our logic is pretty
good when in fact you are going the total wrong direction.
Like someone said, lots of experience minimizes mistakes
but experience comes from mistakes.
THE FINAL UPDATE with problem finally found.
WIRELESS mouse was somehow interfering with keyboard
operation even though the microsoft wireless mouse
appeared to be functioning perfectly. ie all arrow
movement and click functions were working like they
were supposed to.
I only found this out...
Absolutley right. I read right over the mouse
comment because as far as I could tell my mouse
was working fabulously. which it was at least
as far as pointing and clicking etc.
There are a trillion things I dont know about the
technology but I sure didnt think a wireless mouse
could affect...
Some of you may have followed my troubleshooting
adventure very recently under the thread of ERRATIC
SHIFT keys and keyboard operation.
My 30 years of experience and the best minds in this group
missed this completely. Problem was that I could not
type numbers on my keyboard and it appeared...
TO MSCALLISTO abOut drivers
yes i weNt to the devicE inFo areas that you specified
and indeed you aRE right _____ there is a driver for
the one_oh_Two key standarD us keyboard. i clIcked
on the uPdate pull doWn option and gavE PermISsion
to accesS the microsoft dRivEr wEbsItE To seARch for...
MAY I JUST SAY RCLARK TWO FIFTY "s suggestion is shear
genius ! ! ! why did i never think about dos even when
i was thinking about bootable linux etc> funny how
we forget>
in any case< i did have a bootable dos diskette and sure
enough i cannot type any numbers at the command prompt
i have been told to order and reinstall xp_pro just
to test to see if i am having an op sys problem>
lots of cost time and trouble there>
in the real old days we had several vendors that
made bootable diagnostics programs that were their
own operating systems and could test hardware
thanks i will try to enter safe mode via start run
meanwhile facts:
onscreen keyboard malfunctions same way as hardware keyboard?
_ system fails to recognize f_eight at bootup although
it does recognize f_nine and f_ten ? ? ?
i am using newly purchased keyboard to rule out keyboard
i ran the full scans with the malware detection software
and it found nothing> although i was hopeful it was
a virus or something because the on screen keyboard does
not work properly and seems to show the shift keys being
automatically and intermittently i am now once again
puzzled and...
REGARDING on screen keyboard i did not realize it but
i was able to launch the program with out the dot exe
and i went to wordpad and also email program and tried
to input data and the onscreen keyboard does not work at
perhaps i am doing something wrong but i bring the osk
up over my...
from start_run but i cannot get the system to type
a dot in front of the exe
nor can i type any numbers whether it be from number pad
or above letter keys
dang it i have now wasted about six or seven hours
trying to finagle a repair or...
i strongly suspect that at some point in the future microsoft
will be updating with software code that will purposely
degrade the operation of xp pro in ways that will make
us and force us to acquire new op sys>
i am still using win ninety eight on another system
with legacy programs just fine...
i am beginning to believe that the problem is inteRnal
motherboard related as i cannot type any numbers
and some function keys seem inoperable as i cannot
get system to recognize F_eight so i can test in safe
however i rebooted fifteen times trying to get to safemode
and went to wordpad...
intermittently my cap keys and ctrl and shift keys
misbehave when trying to type and use these keys
to control cursor movement when managing files in
windows explorer or even trying to type a message>
for instance< I just tried to type a period at
the end of the last sentence and a comma after...
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