Could anyone tell me what a functional architecture is and how it is different from the behavioral architecture?
As of my understanding. the only diff. b/w a func. and a beh. arch. is that, beh. arch. has delay associated with but a funct. arch. does not. But I have a problem in which it is...
Could anyone gimme code for SR flip flop? i.e., its a combinational circuit. How do i write a structural architecture for an SR flip flop which is composed of 2 NOR gates. My major problem in writing code for this is, the state transition table. i.e., when the present state and the inputs are...
but what if i have the whole process repeating itself for as long as u run it. For example, when i am simulating a 3 bit decoder, for as long as I run the testbench, it keeps giving inputs and checking the outputs, repeating the cycle. Then how do I do it?
Its because, In a testbench I want to give a final report that the test was succesful. I would have a global variable, say, allTests_Passed set to false if there was ever an error. So after all other process exits( i.e, the main process), I would check the status of the global variable, to say...
How do i give a report statement which should be printed only at the exit. i.e., I want to give a report statement in a testbench to indicate finally that the whole test was succesful.
I'm not sure if I have done the right thing. I have used a package in a sepearate file and complied it into work.
But I get error in the if statements. I used a case statement for it previously. that also was error.
can u pls check the code.
library IEEE;
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