I understand now to create 2 groups for the page. One with all the firehouse extensions and one for the 2 hall phones. Now as far as the office, when i do an intercom call, where the phone will actual ring instead of going to the speaker, how do i get both phones to ring? I am a little...
I am still having trouble location info. I am trying to learn more about groups and group calling. Ill explain what im trying to do. In one of our offices, we have 2 phones. When someone internally calls that office, i would like both of them to ring if possible. Then, in our rental hall...
i know this is kind of off topic, but i am trying to find some documents to help me out not only with the voicemail, but with initially programming the phone system. I have realized that there is certain things i am not sure of but sounds like it might be something i could use or that would...
alright. i am reading the merlin messaging installation guide before i tackle this project. A couple things i just wanted to clear up. It says i must create a calling group and assign members. I am not really sure what that means. I am assuming i could just assign all the extensions to one...
It is a 2.0. I havent tried accessing it yet. Hopefully tomorrow. The voice mail didnt come from a vendor but from ebay unfortunately. I am taking the risk. I have a lot of questions about the voicemail. i have to set up multiple mailboxes for different things that wouldnt necessarily have...
Im gonna try this again. For some reason I couldnt log back in so i had to create a new account. Magix 4.0 R7 is installed. Now i am working on the voicemail. Will be installing that today. if i need the password, how do i access it?
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