I have created a daily report in excel based on a query in access. All was working fine but now one of the fields no longer shows a note on details of last contact but 2 squares. This has happened on 4 reports l create for each sales person, all other fields in this report and others are fine...
I am running a query for my advertisers notes and wish to get the last note on each advertiser. In the design query l am using the totals button and selecting 'last' for note and 'max' for date and id no. The only problem being is that it occassionally is not showing the last note for an...
I have a database that l have hyperlinked Word files to so for each client we have a list of correspondence that has gone out to them. I have been able to do this but what l was wondering is it possible to get the modified date to show as well?
I have a list of companies with contacts which l have contact date and notes for. I need to filter the query so only the last contact date and note appears for each company.]
I have created a database that has a notes section which we enter each time contact is made with also a follow up date against it. For instance the field names l have is date, note, follow up date and a check box for complete. So l may enter a note 12/12/01 called steve and he wasn,t in follow...
I need to be able to combine several tables with a common key of a staff name to create a to do list. I have a company that deals with advertisers, distributors, printers and couriers. Several people in the company talk to 2 or more of these areas and then enter notes into the DB with a follow...
I have a report that has check boxes in and when l export it to word l lose those boxes which l know is because of the format. I have downloaded snapshot but it doesn't help the people l email the report to. Can someone please tell me how to change from checkboxes to say YES when the item is...
I have a database that has 1,600 companies in it. The problem l have is when l bring up a company in a form and then go to a subform in the form that has company notes in it. When l make a note l select a person from a drop down list. This is where to problem is, when l drop down the list it...
Hi, I have a Database that has 1,600 stores in it. I have made a combo box that enables you to select a store. As many stores are named the samer l have included suburb and state in the combo box. The problem is that whenever l select a store that has many locations the form defaults to the...
I have several tables set up and when l use the look up wizard to creat a combo box from one table to another the data type changes from text to a number which means l cannot create a subform as l can't link the chid and master fields due to different data types. WHy does it do this?
I have designed forms that in several areas l need to input a contact name which l have a combo box for. What l want is for the list to only include contacts for that company, how do l do this?
Thanks in advance
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