Sorry, yep I get you...
The BIOS Recognises it buit the installation askds for them!!
Does that help?
There are only RAID driver link on my MOBO site and they are made by silicon image and on the link I have already showed you.
The BIOS is as new as my Mobo will allo sometime in 2007
It just asks me for drivers...I dont know...
Thes are the drivers I have found but non of them are working:
Now thers loads of them and your telling me you've never known of such things? There are Base IDE...
Im using XP at the moment to write this and I hvaent needed a driver but I havent bleached the Drive pretty sure when I do I will need drivers unless (and I think Im right here) Xp supplies EIDE Drivers on the disk.
I know when I bought my new 160gb SATA it needed drivers and I found...
Its not seeing the Hard drive..the 160GB SATA it says load drivers..
I'm loading RAID Drivers but I know I haven't set it up on RAID..its just the normal SATA plug...
You cannot as you know load the Chipset drivers until he OS is installed...
The Drviver I am trying to instal is...
Not true, have a look at this, where is say Add Driver!!!
Thats whats happening to me.. :(
And my Mobo website doesn't have drivers for Vista (Or I can't find them!)
mmm well I've built 3 and needed drivers for Vista so I don't know how your so lucky!!!
Its OK I think I get them from my Mobo manufacuter..I certainly cant find them at the Wester Digital site...and thank you for find that HDD info for me...when I tried I put in too much information on the...
Hello everyone :)
I've got three Western Digital Hard Drives that I am bleaching.
Once I've done that I am going to install three seperate OS's and I'm triple booting....
My Problem is I can't find the drivers I need for each HDD.
The Drives are as follows:
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