What are the parameters of a header file to include your Dim statements along with their variables?
Example in header:
Sub Anyname
Dim Hello
Hello = "Hi!"
End Sub
And then in the macro file, have
to reference that string, and use it with a PutString command.
Out of the...
Skie, sorry for not getting back to you, posted this on Friday right before leaving work, was in a hurry to get out.
Should've given you the code to begin with, so you had more to go on. What you have is perfect though, cheers.
Declare Function FileDlgFunction(identifier$, action...
I'm trying to set up a secondary dialog box, running into "procedure is too large" error. It will not compile with the last dialog in the If/Then I have. Compiles / runs fine without the largest function.
I have a simple to do box, and if a checkbox is enabled, will kick up another dialog box...
Hello again -
Having a problem with a dialog box, I have 3 DropListBoxes, each have at least 3 options to choose from in each one. Also, there is a CheckBox to which if the checkbox is used, a textbox comes available. I've used the DlgVisible and DlgEnable functions, and could get it all to...
Milson, had a question for you.
What is the significance of the =7 in the If/Then statement?
From what I had found in EB, -1 was True, 0 was False. Reason I ask, is that, I had modified the Dim * 30 down to 12 and 4 respectively, since the user names & id's end up as J.Smith and A1A, so it's...
I'm loving every bit of it now.
Milson, 5 Stars for you man.
From all 2 of us here, at the [can't specify location] we thank you very much.
Milson, I see what your code was doing now.
The input boxes for name and ID would display everytime the macro was ran, and it would output the info into a .ini file located in the set path.
What I'm attempting to do, is since that information doesn't change, unless the operator of the pc...
Milson, that code works great! thanks!
How would I go about grabbing the username and id from the .ini file, and sending that into an EB session?
Based upon your code, I could have users run that macro only once, and it would save it until ran again. More than what I had ever asked for, I...
Milson, ID's aren't stored anywhere on individual user's computers, but were rather input manually into orders being processed on a manual keyed entry level.
So, in the 'automation' of order types, I used their ID's as a string to negate them from typing it in. Since the code is now passworded...
Hey all, after coming up with some macro's, and obeying company policy, I had to password protect the code behind all the code, requiring me to go to each individual desktop when installing to edit 2 simple lines of code. As this is rather tedious and time consuming, I tried to come up with a...
Milson, thanks for all your help.
Got everything coded on that program, and now its onto another.
I have a formatting problem for telephone entry on a dialog box for an error check.
In the box, I'm asking for a specific entry format, due to the parameters of the program, it has to be in a...
Well, I slap myself for too much coffee this morning when the solution was right there.
Z = 16
Check = Len (Order)
If (Check <> Z) Then
MsgBox" Invalid order number"
End If
Now onto a new check.
If three textbox entries contain anything but alpha, I need an error result.
Hopefully I...
Thanks Wilson, I ended up with a slightly different version but still functional.
Dim FDate
FDate = Format(Install_Date, "mm-dd-yy")
If (Install_Date <> FDate) Then
MsgBox" Date entered in wrong format"
GoTo Input:
End If
If Not IsDate(Install_Date) Then
MsgBox" Date entered is...
Hey all,
I've got a completed program / macro, I'm now trying to throw in an error check(s). The first field in my dialog box, asks for a date in a specific format, MM-DD-YY. I have a simple text underneath the textbox that states to enter that way, but in an effort to make the code more...
Hey thanks Mg!
I'll try to fit that into what I'm doing.
Here's what I have, hope that answers your question.
Dim tdate as String (today's date)
Dim var1 as String (running variable)
Dim ddate as String (due date)
The tdate is grabbed off...
I almost have the macro completed, but in an effort to get one less user input box, i'm trying something different. In this macro, I get a variable (labeled ddate) for a calendar date. It then runs into two if/then statements, and if the second if/then option is chosen, it needs to write the...
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