This isn't quite programming related, but I would think people would have some knowledge of this. I'm having a fantastic problem. I can play certain .avi videos in wmp separately (outside the form using regular WMP 10), but the same video refuses to play in the form. In addition, other .AVIs...
Greetings. I've been trying to convert this code to change one of the local variables to a global variable, LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 g_pJoystick, which is bolded in the code below. As you will notice it is already declared as a global variable, however, when I try to use it within another classe's...
I'm trying to use this example MS joystick code by converting it to a class, but I'm having problems. I'll post my code after this:
// File: Joystick.cpp
// Desc: Demonstrates an application which receives...
Update. It seems like commenting out using namespace System, and System::Windows::Forms - and hardcoding those in where necessary for their members - fixed the problem. Oh well, hope this can help someone else in the future.
Oh yeah in my angry haste I neglected to include the actual error:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\ObjIdl.h(7408): error C2872: 'IDataObject' : ambiguous symbol
------ Build started: Project: Test06, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------...
I've been having some trouble with this error for a few hours now. It's a hard question to ask, because there's nothing specific about it. The error itself is ambiguous.
All I know is that it has to do with the order I include windows.h or dinput.h, or how many times. To expand: I need to...
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