Could you please anyone help me in resolving this? I am not able to get the format. What changes do I have to make to the above code to get the below format?
hits 4444 55 66 777 888 999 00 77
reissued 666 888 999 000 666 7777
Thanks a lot
Thanks for your reply.
What changes do I have to make for the below code? If the ouput should be like below.
FirstName aaaa aaaa anna ggg henn ffff hhh jjj kkk llll oooo pppp mmmm jjjjj kkkkkkk llllllll gggg qqqqq
LastName ssss ffff ggg hhh nnn kkk lll bbb vvvv ssss aaaa qqqq wwww xxxx ssss...
With the below code I am getting the output as below.I am getting data from database as shown in the code
Displaying All Users
FirstName LastName UserName Password
Ann go ago VVVV
ffff ffff ffff ffffff
sag rag tom kim
gen man rfff kkk
fff jjj hhh hhh on.
But I have to display as shown...
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