I have a form with 10 textfields in it. When loaded in IE some of them appear flat with a white background and the others are 3d text boxes with background shading. The tags are the same between the textfields and it does not appear this way in Firefox. Can anyone shed some light on why this...
I would like to be able to take the design view of a table and either print it out, save it to a report, save it as some other format. Is there a fairly easy to way to do this?
Has anyone run across a way of searching a folder for files using a wildcard? I have a directory with several files with the same base name but different extensions. What I would like to be able to do is create an array of the files with the same base name without looping through all of the...
I need to append a field to a dbase file using ado. I'm attempting to accomplish this with the code below but the field is not added and I don't receive any errors. Would someone offer some help/suggestions? Thanks.
Set oRS = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )
The only reason I went to delete it was because while refreshing the page I would get a "Permission denied" error. After not being able to delete it I realized that the file wasn't being released immediately eventhough I'm telling it to. Have you ever run into something like this? I'm using...
I'm using ASP & ADO to create a dBase file. When I am finished, I close the recordset and connection objects and set them to Nothing. However, if I then go into Windows Explorer and try to delete the new file I can't. After a period of time I can delete. Why the delay? I can foresee that...
We are going to have a separate db server that will reside in the DMZ and will be solely dedicated as a production database. We only have one other db machine so we are wanting it to pull double duty (serve as a test server for the aforementioned db server and as a production db server for our...
Yes, and it was in plain english. Thanks a lot. So now that I have that straight let me throw a couple of follow-up questions at you. So the engine, utilities, etc. for SQL Server will reside on the database server. How much space does this typically require? Secondly, would it be okay to...
Please help me understand where SQL server can best be configured. Our sys admin guy has said that we are getting a database server along with a SAN. Will the "database server" run only the SQL server software while the actual database resides on the SAN? Is the database usually on the same...
I'm trying to join 2 txt files using ado. I've seen a couple of obscure examples but I can't seem to get them to work. Can someone please provide some suggestions or correct my code below? Thanks in advance.
oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" &...
I'm trying to write an asp page that uses Jet to open two csv files. I'm trying several variations but haven't had any luck. Has anyone been able to successfully do this?
oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & strPathtoTextFile & ";" & _...
Thanks for the response. I know the time and date of the data that I currently have. I call an asp page via task scheduler to connect to the server and check for new data every x hours. I plan to use the last modified attribute to determine whether or not there is new data to be downloaded...
I have been tasked with a project that potentially needs to download data from a remote server. The data is posted at irregular intervals and the name of the file changes slightly with each new post. Therefore, what I would like to be able to do is to connect to the server and check to see if...
Thx mwolf00. I knew I was missing something that was pretty simple. And kaht, you're killing me ! :-) That's just what I needed to head into the weekend.
Duh, as soon as I posted the question I came up with a solution. However, it would seem that you could accomplish the same thing by updating i in the "for" line.
for (i = minHt; i <= maxHt; i) {
elevContent += '<option>' + i;
i = i+.5;
I am trying to populate a select box with values beginning with the var minHt and increasing by 0.5 until I reach maxHt. So the select box would list 25, 25.5, 26, etc. Here is the code snippet I have tried below but when I attempt to run it the browsers hang. Any suggestions are greatly...
I have an application in IIS called "flood_warn." In that directory I have a global.asa file with two includes:
FILE="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado20.tlb"
I need to be able to sort a table based on a field. But, (isn't there always a but?!) I need for the table contents to physically be sorted not the recordset. Is there a way to sort a recordset and then write the sorted results back into the source table? To accomplish this, will this require...
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