Thanks Ties Blom,
I was just thinking of different things at that time...
But, why does the refresh saves empty txt files when I run the above vb code... Thanks in advance!
first all HAPPY NEW YEAR all MEMBERS of this SITE!
My question is related to refresh method of busobj (I am using BO version 5.1.6)... My code is below
For Count1 = LBound(TxtNames_H) To UBound(TxtNames_H)
'MsgBox (TxtNames(Count))
Set Doc =...
Please, can you help me to find Sybase Open Cient Library (certified for Sybase server)? I need this library to be installed on my Solaris 9.0 machine. Thanks in advance!
I have a C# program, it uses lots of .dll files. Now I want to create an .exe out this C# program and install it on OS where .net framework is missing.... Thanks in advance
(can't i do this just like in delphi, when delphi creates an .exe of its program, this .exe file works everywhere...
Hi All,
I have found thanks a lot... it is
Dim DBExport As DataProvider
Set DBExport = ThisDocument.DataProviders("Query 1")
DBExport.ExportToRDBMS "My DB", boPersonalConnection
(1) plz, can you show one example of how to export data from View Data to database (i.e. Export to RDBMS) in VB?
(2) is there any difference between saving the report output in txt format and exporting it to txt format?
thanks in advance!
just for example.... i have a .rep file i exported it to .xls file saved it on c:\
one of the columns that it contains is " hh:mm:ss"...
then i wanted to open this .xls file using BO again using Personal Data Files but it only shows those rows which are 00:00:00 , it...
I have a BO report, it gives results. Now, is it possible to export these data to another database. I.e. i want to write these data to database... Of course, it would be good to directly take the scripts and run them on db and to tranfer data to my db. But BO reports' sql scripts are too...
I have one BO report which has two different data providers, i.e. to be more exact two different report which have two different free-hand sql statements... both reports format is
A 2007.08.27 00:00:00 0.89
Now I want to create a third...
I copied BO .rep file SQL script to directly query the db...
my query does not execute since it cannot undestand the below written script part
select substring("0", sign(sum(dbo.ABC)), 1)...
it says that it cannot find column named "0", plz can you help me? Thanks in advance!
I am trying to get all the processes running and kill them like this
foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName("Excel"))
But the problem with this is that there may be processes that were not started by...
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