Well, it works now, and then again it doesn't. I installed the Live!Ware part (launcher, mixer, etc.), and after that the Playcenter (2.5). Everything worked. Then I noticed that the recorder wasn't there, so I installed that. Now the mixer and speaker part of Live!Ware don't work...
Well, I got it to work (somehow) by downloading LiveWare and SB Live! drivers from Creative's web site. But I think I did something wrong, because only my two rear speakers work . Also, the LiveUpdate doesn't function either (real explanatory error message "encountered...
I just clean re-installed Win2K, bec. I had performed some corrupt/incomplete software installations and couldn't uninstall (i.e. Norton Antivirus). Anyway, as I am trying to install the software (Live!Ware 3) for my SoundBlaster Live! Value soundcard and the FPS 2000 Digital Speakers, I get...
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately it doesn't work. I tried several floppies ("fresh" ones with data copied onto them on another PC).
I just clean installed Win2K again, because I thought it maybe had something to do with faulty/incomplete software installs (i.e., Norton...
I cannot write files to diskette or delete files from it. It "looks" like it is working but it isn't:
I have a diskette loaded full with files (let's just call them 'JUNK files'). I delete them all (using Windows Explorer or from the DOS command prompt with >del *.*). Refresh (or...
I just clean installed Win2K. One of the first applications I installed was Norton AntiVirus (2000 6.0). It seems to work properly, except I cannot schedule a virus scan event, the program bombs out on me ("Error saving the scheduled event. You may be out of disk space, or have a...
I cannot write files to diskette or delete files from it. It "looks" like it is working but it isn't:
I have a diskette loaded full with files (let's just call them 'JUNK files'). I delete them all (using Windows Explorer or from the DOS command prompt with >del *.*). Refresh (or...
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