Im making a shape tween from a rectangle to the same one but skewed, to create motion to a perspective.
The problem is that when the tweening occurs it rotates.
I have no idea how to fix this, could someone please help me?
(Using Flash MX)
Hi there,
Is there a way to make a text area uneditable in a browser? When i click on it online im able to erase / write and i dont want that.
The goal is to create a scroll box because the text is enormous.
I hope someone can help me :)
To j4606: When i enter your code an error message appears
Invalid Markup -it contains a duplicate attribute- <input
<input name="count" id="count" type="text" id="price" size="20">
<input name="countx" id="countx" type="text" id="price" size="20">
To BillyRayPreacherSon: Sorry...
I there,
I'm using this javascriptkit.com word counter to count words in my web site:
<script language="JavaScript">
function countit(){
/*Word count script
By JavaScript Kit (http://javascriptkit.com)
Over 400+ free scripts here!
var formcontent=document.wordcount.wordcount2.value...
<input name="count" id="count" type="text" id="price" size="20">
<input name="countx" id="countx" type="text" id="price" size="20">
one thing, fireworks says there's a duplicate atribute here.
I have no idea how to solve this
Sure but wont that text get in the way of the code?
When the web site is complete it will have a Credits page with links to the tek-tips, phpjunkiard and of course javascriptkit!.
Anyway thanks j4606 ;)
Hi there!
I'm trying to make a simple process in my webpage.
I have a filed that does a wordcount and delivers a number, i would like that that number would be multiplied by 0.09.
heres the code:
function countit(){
var formcontent=document.wordcount.wordcount2.value...
thanks again lebisol ;)
its still counting numbers but i'll try somehow to keep them from counting.
thanks again, and if u can tell me some way to multiply the result of the wordcount by 0.08 please let me know.
No lebisol, what i'm searching for is a code that counts only words in a text area, like the code above, but the problem is that it also counts numbers...
oh and if you can make a code that multiplies the number of words by 0.08 and presents the result in a separate field please let me know!
Thanks in advance
I there!
I need to make a text area in my web site that the visitors will use to make a word count of a text inserted by them.
Can someone please help me with this?
sorry guys but i did what you told and it's still not working...
<td width="700"> <div align="left">
<div align="left">
<pre> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
this is how dreamweaver sais it should be, i also tryed both your ways abd it still didnt work...
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