OK, sorry....
I must put some file from system a to system b.
I've the user pippo with password pippo in both the system.
The /etc/hosts on both the system contain the IP on the systems
I've this script:
NAME=AU'date +%y%m%d'.ris.'uname -n
tar cvpf $NAME /tmp/DATI.1 /tmp/DATI.2
gzip -9...
I've 2 sco-unix.
I've in both machine the user info with pass info
I want to transmit my file between the 2 computers with an rcp command.
The command give me a timeout error.
In /etc/hosts is correct.
What do I do?
in rcp command the command give me the message:
PErmission denied.
I must have the user that use rcp in both the server?
I have to use .rhosts.
This is the script's text
ftp -in Destination <<END_FTP
user login psw
put file destination
why ftp don't accept the password but it stops and answer me it?
Ok, I see that the ftpusers on etc directory don't exist.
On inetd.conf what do I do?
The script is this
ftp -v <<END_FTP
open xxx xxx
user user
put filename filename_destination
The problem is:
If I use root that's without password the script don't go.
If I use the command presents...
I have 2 server SCO-UNIX link by router.
Some users are the same on both the servers.
I try to put file by ftp from server1 to server2.
Using root it's ok.
Using user 'uno' (it haven't password) login is refused (ftp give me 530 error).
If I try to connect the servers by telnet with user uno...
I have to do a ftp script to put some file from a SCO-UNIX OPEN SERVER to another SCO-UNIX OPEN SERVER.
The script is
ftp -in Destination <<END_FTP
user login psw
put file destination
How can i catch the error?
in Connection and puttin file
Sorry for my English
I need to distribute a set of pdf documents, one working
as an index that calls other pdf documents.
The problem is that I want the index to remain open (and override the customers' default).
I know about the Openinplace parameter, and I tried it in a javascript link, and it seams to work, but I...
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