Let me start by saying, I am new to Webfocus. I have a launch form that has about 8 search fields on it from 2 different tables. I have a standard report being created from any type of search they kick off. I am trying to attempt to have a set of possibly radio buttons or something where they...
I think I might have not explained this completely. I need the check_number to set to a report only if there isn't ANY rows in the table where the check_number = '0'. I can't just do where check_number = '1' cause then there might be one out there where the check_number is the same but the...
I need to pull check_numbers out of a table that have a fl_flag = '1' but to exclude them if there is a row in the same table with the same check_number but the fl_flag = '0'.
How would I go about doing this in an efficient way??? I am trying to use the NOT EXIST but not sure if this is the...
Thanks for the responses!!!!
I tried this:
select check_number, customer_name, check_amount, fl_flag
from process_76
where fl_flag = '1'
union all
select check_number, customer_name, check_amount, fl_flag
from process_76
where fl_flag = '1'
It returns the rows that I need however is...
I need to return two rows for every row from a table. For instance, the table layout could be:
Cust_name Cust_Address Check_no
John 123 Main St. 1234
Jane 456 Eve St. 5678
My results that I am attempting to get back need to be as such:
That is what I figured however I am not familar with T-sql. I am trying to pull this information from a table on a 3rd party software and create a view for another 3rd party software (Reporting software) to use. My only option that I see thus far is creating a virtual table for the Reporting...
Yes I agree with your sql feherke, however I am attempting to create something that is more dynamic in that if a new value of column two was added such as middle name or address that I wouldn't have to go in and hard code the change. I like the sql you have given and have started something...
I am trying to creat a virtual table by using a dynamic sql. This sql needs to be reuseable on different applications. To make matters more simple to explain let's say my table is a 3 column table. The ID column is a process identifier.
ID Integer
The data...
I have a GrossProfitAmt that I need to calculate the sum of this field YearToDate.
The field is {AR_SalespersonHistory.GrossProfitAmt}. Is there any easy way to do this because the solutions that I have come up with seem too difficult and abstract. Any help???
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