We have an Option 81C Relase 3.0. Under Net_Data there is no DITI when you try to change it in ld 15. I've tried entering all the settings and changing settings in the Net_Data. It appears I'm missing something here. Thx for any suggestions.
I have a site where Make Set Busy Set on Phone Will not Roll Directly to Voicemail for 3904 Phones. I have checked the cls codes, the Marp and the RDR block. Apparently, I am missing something. Any ideas? Thx.
I have a "New" TIE Line between 2 offices that continues to get a RLS Wrong Mode for the D Channels. When I disable the loop on one side the other side will show DTA005 Remote Alarm and then show the DTA007 once I re-establish the remote loop.
I have looked through the programming. Everything...
I get the following error when trying to transfer out from from out auto-attendant bypass number whether dialing it by Direct Dial or using CDP to dial it from one site and go out to another. I have TARG settings on the routes and removed all TARG using the x01, x02 x0, etc. I have checked the...
Can anyone please let me know what the latest version of Software & Firmware Nortel Released for ITG Trunk Cards was? We have 6.9 FW & 3.01.60_01_31_2005 SW for our Succesion 3.0 PBXs. Thank you.
Is there a ring once option & call indicator on the display only after that type of an option for a CS1000 running Succession 3? Is there a way to ring through a headset only?
Thank you...
With Telephony Manager 3.x for the Individual Console Hourly Report Total Time Spent Servicing Internal & External Calls, the time spent is rather low in most cases. In some cases it will report 1 to 4 calls with 0 time spent. Does anyone know what rounding is being done by the system?
Thank you for the reply GHTROUT.
The reports I'm looking at don't mention Internal Call or Internal Call Time and are generated off of the TM Server not the TM Web Interface. They list Total Peg Count of Calls Handled by Attendant.
As well, I am unable to get all consoles to report...
Using TM 3.x to run console reports such as the default Individual Console & Customer Console, besides setting ICDA & ABDA in LD 12 for the consoles, what other parameters must be defined?
Does an Option 11C with 3 Cabinets have to be grounded to the Electrial Service Box that it gets it power from with the Electrical?
Does each Cabinet have to have its own #6 AWG Ground wire running back to the Grounding Block?
Can anyone recommend any Call Tracking Software for all calls to be used with a mixed Nortel Enviorment with an 81C, 61Cs & 11Cs with most running Succession 3 or 4? Thank you.
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