Some synthesis tools do support constants. Basically it is setting it either to a VCC or a GND. I have resolved my issue because I used to be using the constants to convert from std_logic_vector to ints and vice versa, but I started using behavioural code which eliminated the need for...
Hi anjaxe1,
Looping is supported in VHDL. Xilinx is a vendor of programmable logic devices, and so they don't really "support" looping, it is VHDL that does that.
As for your issues, what kind of problems are you having??
Hello all,
I am trying to synthesize constant values. Previously, I had them as signals, where the logic produced actually fit my device (760 out of 784 total CLBs). As soon as I modified the signals to constants, the logic jumped to 1068 CLBs, and I could not fit onto the device anymore...
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