thank you very much... I you helped me so much and I appreciate the help. if it wasn't for the help I wouldn't have gotten anything.
please if I may for another help... the data in between the headings are not showing. if the model is a 3D model it'll have XYZ values without the heading xyz in...
sorry for asking but i think there should be data under every heading having some data
2 1 3 1 20 10 1997 23 50 41 !10 numbers the last 6 is date and time
GEOMETRY 《a number》 DOUB like this
i have codeblocks, tried plato, tried microsoft visual.... sorry im a newbie with these programs. if its no bother can you please walk me through step by step how you did it on windows and what softwares you used with the compilers.... thank you so much. for 3weeks this is the first time i have...
i'm not very good at this and i'm the only person tasked with reading this file so can you show me an example of data_count and type
program MAIN
implicit none
hi im trying to read an unformatted UNIX binary file generated by a software... its suppose to contain information but i cant read it and its my first time dealing with this kind of file format
the software maual has this "The files are UNIX-Fortran unformatted binary files, even on the Windows...
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