Thank kahleen very much. You did a great job. I am in a big respect of you. I wrote the third rule, it was very easy after your help. The program solves the problem correctly ;)
Thank you very much. I have done insert with "-" sign, but have some problems with 'value' predicate.
I wrote:
value(L, X) :-
((member('+', L)) -> append(L1, ['+' | L2], L), decimal(L1, 0, A), value(L2,B), X is A + B);
((member('-', L)) -> append(L1, ['-' | L2], L), decimal(L1, 0, A)...
Thank you.
% insert(L, R) - inserts any number of plus signs between
% elements in L, resulting R
insert([], []).
insert([H | T], [H, '+' | T1]) :-
T \= [],
insert(T, T1).
insert([H | T], [H | T1]) :-
insert(T, T1).
% decimal(L, X, N) - if L contains no '+' signs, computes
% in N...
I have looked all the threads in this forum but found nothing what would help me. If I missed one maybe could you give me a link? I still have no ideas.. :( Very grateful for any help.
I am quite new to prolog and need to write this program, but have no ideas. I would be very grateful for any help.
"Add signs"
The list of the digits (1-9) is given. You need to add operation signs (+, -), that expression of the arithmetic would be the given number (digits in a row...
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