While it is entirely possible to add a secondary IP interface on Extreme. It's called Multinetting. I would not suggest it in your application. Multinetting stems from back in the day when we only had hubs and routers you could have more than one subnet over the same flat VLAN...
It's possible that either the Master switches CPU is getting pegged by something or EAPS control packets are not being prioritized properly. If I had to guess your network is getting congested at the time.
From EXOS 12.4 Concepts Guide:
Note: Increasing the failtime value increases the...
You probably just need to adjust the allocated power per slot for that card. I think the default is only like 75W per blade. You can configure it higher.
From Concepts Guide for Exos 12.4, but applicable to earlier releases:
On modular PoE switches, you reserve power for a given slot. The...
If you contact Extreme Networks TAC and give them remote access or get your local Extreme Systems Engineer to come onsite they have a fail-safe account that they can use to crack into the box.
That would be the easiest thing to do. There are other ways, but they require taking the switch out...
The ExtremeXOS port mirror is going to send the mirrored packet to your Wireshark based on how the packet comes into the switch. So, if the telnet packet comes into the switch on a TAGGED vlan the packet will be mirrored to wireshard with as tagged. If the PC running wireshark has a...
This should work no problem. We use Belkins all of the time. The DB9 cable that you use between the USB tail and the switch console port must be a Null Modem. Normally it's a DB9-Female to DB9-Female. The USB serial tails typically have a DB9-Mail. What emulator are you using. I normally use...
I would use a Dynamic Access Control list here to keep things easy if you are new to ACLs on ExtremeXOS. It's possible to write a policy file for the ACL's, but you have to be familiar with the Rule Syntax. Dynamic ACL similfies the command structure for you when you are first getting used to...
Are you using the out-of-band (OOB) management port on the rear of the switch? Because you selected VR-Mgmt, so the switch thinks you are right now.
Virtual Router VR-Mgmt is the route table dedicated to the OOB port on the rear of the switch.
If you are using the switch data ports on the...
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