Here is the solution I came up with.
I took the variable off of the Parameters: field.
I clicked on the Embeds button and on the Accepted embed point, I set my global variable.
Then I checked this global variable in the called procedure.
It worked just like I wanted it to. [smile]
In one of my applications, I have a menu that 'surrounds' all my procedures. On one of the Items, I would like to pass a parameter to the called procedure. On the Actions tab - I have tried putting a global variable in Parameter: field but when I compile it, I get two errors:
1. No matching...
A solution:
I went into the ... on the Report and moved the added Detail line (for the report summary) to be before the group and that seems to have solved the problem.
What would cause the Group Footer band to print at the end of the report with zeros in the fields. I am using fields from the detail section (amount, weight, and cases) and putting (in the properties box) Total Type: sum and a Reset On: Custno. So at the very end of the report, I get the...
I need to write an app against a VisualFoxPro database. When I try to import it, I select ODBC as my File Driver. I enter the datasource, leave the user id and password blank and click the Exclude system files option. Click Next and I get the following error:
Could not Connect to Database...
Thanks for your reply. I found the problem. As it is with so many problems in Clarion it was a matter of where I was putting my embed. Once I found the right place it worked fine. Sorry, I ment to post this earlier but I took off early and forgot.
In response to your suggestions. I did...
Does anybody use the 3rd party vendor CapeSoft? I am specifically looking for some help with their Office Inside product (importing an Excel spreadsheet).
My situation: I have a workbook that has several worksheets. I am having difficulty opening the workbook and pointing to the specific...
I have a main report that displays by material number:
Avg Cost
Amt Allocated
Total Allocated Cost
With a SUM of total allocated cost in the report footer.
In the report footer I have a sub-report that displays by material number:
Avg Cost
Amt On-hand
Total On-hand Cost
With a SUM of total...
The reason I say I cannot sum is because when I right click on the field the insert summary is not available.
The formula above is the entire formula (re-displayed here for clarity):
{@TC_OnHand} - Sum ({@Total_Cost}, {bbinvmov.matno})
It contains a summary which is probably what is causing...
In my report I need to calculate the difference between two other values. One of the values is a formula:
If {ssinvent.uomcost} = 'M' Then
({ssinvent.onhand} * {ssinvent.avgcost}) / 1000
If {ssinvent.uomcost} = 'CWT' Then
({ssinvent.onhand} * {ssinvent.avgcost}) / 100...
OK. Here is a dumb question - how do I sub-total a formula? Here is the formula I currently use in the detail (which will be suppressed) known as @Total_Cost:
WhilePrintingRecords ;
If {ssinvent.uomcost} = 'M' Then
({bbinvmov.committed} * {ssinvent.avgcost}) / 1000
Hi Jim,
Thanks for getting back to me. I did cut and paste the formula however, I modified the fields to remove the table name hoping it would make it easier to read. Also, I didn't type in the formula name since it didn't seem relevant. I called the formula @Sum_TotCst. Here is the actual...
Hi Jim,
When I put in the WhilePrintingRecords, my Sum_TotCst formula stopped working correctly.
I inserted the If statement you suggested. I am still working with the first two matno's so I haven't gotten to page breaks to know if that was a problem or not [smile]. Thanks for the tip.
I apologize if this has been asked and answered before but I couldn't find this question in previous threads.
I have an inventory report that displays:
avg cost,
amt allocated,
total allocated cost,
on hand amt,
total on hand cost,
difference (between allocated cost and on hand cost)
The fog is getting a little thinner.
So to use your example, if I want the detail information can I write the following:
Select CustId, SaleDate
From Sales Group By CustId, SaleDate
If not, how does one accomplish it? I am use to Visual FoxPro and Crystal Reports. They both do group by...
Hi all,
I am still in the reading stage of SQL programming. There is something that confuses me that I hope somebody on this list can explain. My sources make the following statement:
"Any other columns that appear in the select list must be used as arguments of an aggregate...
Thanks for all your input but I still don't have the answer.
Ngolem - when I put a conditional suppress on the fields. It suppressed based on the value of difference one group back. IE.
line a difference = 0.00 - it suppressed it
line b difference = 25.88 - it suppressed it
line c...
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