Im building a transparant antiSSL-proxy in perl.
In have a:
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /nph-netscript.cgi/$1
in the apache.conf file.
If an user uploads a big file, it gets timeouted. This because first:
User uploads whole file
LWP uploads file to the server given in $ENV{'HOST'}
LWP downloads all...
im using the value for the constant PROCESS_TERMINATE which evaluates to "1".
But if that was the wrong, the function would only return a zero value (function failed), not crash application and return the error PInvokeStackImbalance.
search for winlock on
Download the "demo" application, you will find an DLL in the zip file. Pack this DLL along with your application.
In the demo application, you will find instructions on how to call specific methods to the DLL.
Some methods are about disabling...
Or you can build your own logon application and then rename explorer.exe to logonsucess.exe, then you place your own logon application instead of explorer.exe
Startup logonsucess.exe when the user has suceed logon in your application.
Make sure to disable CTRL+ALT+DEL in your logon application...
I always get the error PInvokeStackImbalance when im trying to call OpenProcess in my VB 2005 application
I have declared Openprocess as following:
Private Declare Function OpenProcess lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess as long, ByVal bInheritHandle as boolean, ByVal dwProcessId as long)...
Im trying to send keyevents to my server:
$sendkbd = Win32::API->new('user32.dll', 'keybd_event', 'NNNN', 'V');
if ($kbd) {
@dta = split("",$kbd);
foreach $k (@dta) {
$e = ord($k);
$sendkbd->Call($e, 0, 0, 0);
$sendkbd->Call($e, 0, 2, 0);
but when im testing in notepad, the current date...
I need 3 subs:
MouseClick(var1, var2)
the var1 should contain 1 for left and 2 for right
var2 should contain 1 for one click, 2 for hold down button and 3 for relase.
The MouseClick should send mouse events to the computer perl is running on.
SpecialKbd(var1, var2)
var1 should...
use fake paths:
$path = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
an call to:
will cause $path to contain:
You must in some way replace the first / with /index.cgi/ Maybe anyone else can tell you how you replace the first / to /index.cgi/...
I have solved the problem partially:
If i run the apache from command-line, the function returns "1" and suceed. (mouse pos changes)
But when im running the apache from the apache control (so its started as service), the script returns 1459 (Requires interactive windowstation)
Can I in the...
The $req variable contains when its ready for dispatch to $ua->request:
bless( {'_content' => 'ENABLE_SSH=on&ENABLE_SSH_PROTOCOL1=on&ENABLE_SSH_PORTFW=on&ENABLE_SSH_PASSWORDS=on&ENABLE_SSH_KEYS=on&ACTION=Spara','_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = 'https://ipcop.localdomain:445/cgi-bin/remote.cgi')}...
thanks! i found the problem with the debugger....
It will take some time to solve the problem, as the problem was found in the module:
this line:
die "Can't set content to be a scalar reference" if ref($_[1]) eq "SCALAR";
causes the problems i have: content do not get submitted.
Did you see my shebang line in the code at the first post? its beginning on c:/, also im running a windows machine.
I tought you knew that already.
Im running the webserver on windows 2000 server family.
Should download WinAxe and see if it works better...
$output = `($cmd|perl -e"while(<STDIN>){s/^/\@\#STDOUT%:/;print;}")2>&1`;
Look at this line: I think its a typo there.
I think it should be <STDOUT> instead of <STDIN>
like this:
$output = `($cmd|perl -e"while(<STDOUT>){s/^/\@\#STDOUT%:/;print;}")2>&1`;
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