hi all,
my dept. at present are supplied copy in word format which we style in quark, we have been told about the possibility of linking xpress tags with style sheets set up in word?
anyone know how to go about this?
haha - think i've found a fix.
under preferences and PDF there is the default settings option.
there it chooses to downsample images to 72dpi, therefore bypassing any PDF settings you might have set up.
if you choose none to compression level it will PDF with full res images.
when i export to PDF in quark 6 on XP it seems to pixelate slightly any images i have used?
usingthe same settings, if i print to a postscript file and pdf that all images are fine...
can anyone shed any light?
we have problems with our Quark licences - we have Quark 5 passport on 9 pcs(all on NT4). as a result of an IT problem, we have resorted to 'checking in' the licences for 30 day periods. unfortunately, when the pc crashes terminally and needs a new build, the licence is lost for the rest of the...
hi all, just a quick qery as to what Xtensions/ software ppl might use to imposition PDF pages?
only need 2-upas we only produce booklets in one format
thanks very much
if you have 'normal' quark and receive a file that has been saved as a multilanguage file (as in passport), AFAIK, you will need to get the supplier to save it back to single language.
we have tried to open passport files with basic quark, and couldnt do it...
hi all,
i'm putting together a new template for a booklet that we produce, i have made the left and right hand pages in master pages, but when pasting in copy, it will default to all left hand pages (A), i know its a simple one, but can anyone let me know how to get the quark file to default to...
you can draw out an ellipse/ circle with the path tool, but chances are you wont be able to make it exact.
IMO, the best way to put text onto curves / shapes, is to do the text in illustrator, then import it in.
you can make the text .eps / create outlines so you dont encounter any font...
Due to the number of licences purchased, we have locked in a number of licences specifically to PC's.
those pc's have now had a rebuild, but the quark licence is locking out the user!! :0
surely we should eb able to get into the server to 'uncheck' the licences?
any help much aprrecieated...
Hi all,
We have a mixture of QE 5 and passport in the office, and as such are experiencing problems with ver. 5.0 users not being able to open passport versions of a quark file.
Does anyone know if its apoosible to 'turn off' the multiple language' facility in passport?
many thanks,
yeah, i figured there wouldnt be an easy solution to it...[ponder]
unfortunately, it all needs to be on the same line-
just didnt want to be messing around selecting parts of text
hey ho- more work for me then [pc2]
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