I had database e-mail setup and it was working for the past three years or so. Now all of a sudden it is not working. When I run the following query I see no users
SELECT l.name LoginName, u.name UserName, r.name RoleName
FROM master.sys.server_principals l
JOIN msdb.sys.database_principals u...
Here is the results from query1
PartNumber Quantity
70322 32
70323 113
70324 30
Here is the result from query2
PartNumber Quantity
71766 30
72003 84
I have attached sample data for both tables.
Here is what I expecting:
PartNumber Quantity
70322 32
70323 113
70324 30
71766 30
72003 84...
I have the following sql queries. How can I write 1 query so it returns only one result set?
select distinct fdShortNumber as PartNumber, count(fdShortNumber) as Quantity
from tbStation5
where fdAssemblyDate = @fdAssemblyDate AND fdAssemblyShift = @fdAssemblyShift
group by fdShortNumber...
I am trying to generate a script on SQL Server 2008 R2 standard edition. Why are all my options greyed out? See attached file.
I want to change the SQL Server version from 2008 to 2005.
I am trying to read the following data from 4 serial ports in VB.Net 2012
Its 5 lines of data. The starting digit is a space and there are four lines of data. I have tried so many different code but none has worked. I have searched only and had no success...
This weekend we are planning on changing the drive on our SQL Server 2000 cluster. I saw in another forum that others have done this. Here is the lnk:
Here is what we are planning on doing:
Turn off MSSQLSERVER service
Turn off...
I have a visual basic 2010 project with a solution. When I double click the solution the project opens. I cannot see the solution file. I am trying to add an existing project to my solution but I am having trouble. How do I add an existing project to an existing solution?
In VB 2005 if I...
What I mean is, they have to use their finger to pull the menu down. They click the menu but it goes back to its original state. So to select an item in the combo box they have hit it five or six times until they get it right. You can make the combo box as big as you want but the pull down menu...
I have a combo box on few of my vb.net 2010 programs. The end users that use my program have touch screens and they have a hard time making selections on the combo box.
I have an Android cell phone and when ever there is a combo box it will open another screen and making the selection is a...
Unfortunately I am not able to post screen shots. I don’t have access to the site. I have labels text boxes and buttons all over the screen. On the right side I can only see part of my text boxes. And on the bottom I have two buttons and I cannot see them at all. So basically the controls are...
I have a windows forms program that I upgraded from VB 2005 to VB2010. When the program was on VB 2005 I had set the form size to 1278 x 891. When I open the program on a windows 7 computer which had a resolution of 1024 x 768 the form would resize to the monitor resolution. But since I upgraded...
We are backing up the transaction log file twice a day only on this database. The rest of the databases once a week. There are databases bigger than this one but its transaction log is only about 1MB.
The data file grows on average 24 MB a day.
We had the recovery model set to simple. One day the transaction log file was 201 GB. The server ran out of disk space because of this one transaction log file and it shut our whole plant down.
Yesterday because of the snow storm production was down so I reindexed the database and the transaction log file grow by 4126.12 MB’s. Is there something wrong with my indexes?
We have SQL Server 2000 with about 40 databases. All databases are set to recovery model of full. In one of our databases the transaction log is growing 0.10MB every 30 seconds. We shrinked the transaction log this morning but now it is 137.73MB. The biggest other transaction log we have is...
In one of my multi threading programs I cannot get my threads to abort. I have about 5 threads and the threads starts one at a time. By the time the fifth thread is started the program gets really slow. The program will not execute pass LoadWheelStn1. How should I resolve this problem?
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