Hi Tessa,
Can you please explain what rol b actually does? I ran what you've got on a simulator and the first 3 rol b does nothing but all of a sudden on the fourth rol b, b becomes 01.
My menu just says rol b is rotate left, without any further explanation :(
Thanks for you help!
In accumulator A say I have the hex value 12. I want swap these two numbers, ie getting 21 in A. I can't find a solution for this. Can anyone help?
p.s. I'm programming in assembly for the Motorola 68HC11 board.
Hi I'm learning to program in assembly using the Motarolla 68HC11 chip.
Whats the difference betweeen these two lines?
ldx #label5
ldx label5
where label5: fcb $34,$f2
Doesn't the address of label5 just get stored into X after both lines?
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